Monday 15 February 2021

Week of February 15-19, 2021

Hello Students,

I hope you and your families enjoyed a nice long weekend. It is as good as it gets in February. 

This week I will post work for you to do twice: 

- This post contains a short lesson, and skill-using exercises in preparation for assessments. It is important for you to do this work so you can ask your teacher questions you may have and receive feedback on your work.  

- The next post, posted on Thursday, will contain the actual first set of assessments on the topic of Health Issues.



1. Please watch the introductory video/slide show below


2. PRACTICE TEST - READING: answer the questions on a piece of paper, take a picture and send me the answers via e-mail. 

3. PRACTICE TEST - WRITING: Remember that for the assessment later this week, your teacher will choose ONE of the following. You will have to write a paragraph explaining what the symptom/problem is, what causes it to happen, how you can treat it, and how you can prevent it. This is the rubric (requirements for marking) your teacher will use for marking - RUBRIC

- A fever

- A stomach ache

- A headache

- A minor cut

- A nosebleed


1. Please watch the introductory video/slide show below


2. PRACTICE TEST - LISTENING: answer the questions on a piece of paper, take a picture and send me the answers via e-mail.

3. PREPARATION - SPEAKING: For the assessment later this week, you will have to tell your teacher (in detail) about an experience in which you or someone in close to you needed extended medical care (e.g.: hospital stay, surgery, etc.) This is the rubric (requirements for marking) your teacher will use for marking - RUBRIC

If you want, you can send your teacher a recording of such a description so your teacher can give you feedback on your work (e-mail, WhatsApp, etc.)