Monday 21 June 2021

Classes start on Monday, September 13th, 2021

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Summer of 2021 

Hello everyone,

Thank you for all your hard work this session! I know it has been hard on everyone, trying to study from home with all the extra responsibilities that the pandemic has brought.

Please visit the links on your right (->) during the summer months to practice your English skills (Teacher Carlos' Favourite Links)

I hope everyone stays safe and is able to enjoy the summer. 

Take care,

Teacher Carlos


1. We are celebrating National Indigenous History Month in Canada. Open the following page to learn more about it.

Click Here to access the activities 

2. This website is from the BBC (U.K.). It has exercises and lessons for all 4 skills and more!

English for Adults - BBC


3. And also some Reading & Listening Exercises:                                                                                     

 Click here to access the Exercises


4. I also recommend that you continue to access local news from the following:

Both news outlets have articles to practice reading and video reports to practice listening. 
5. Canadian Citizenship Test practice
 Learning the information - Discover Canada (choose READ ONLINE)
You can also order a free copy  (choose ORDER)
- Visit the APNA Toronto webpage

Various Tests - All the questions


- Learn by watching videos on YouTube

One is for the whole thing: 414 questions. It’s more than 3 hours long

The other one goes in chapters. It’s a list of videos. It might be better because you don’t have to watch the whole thing right away.